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Saturday, December 18, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Damn Girl! How Did You Get All of That, in Those Jeans!?!
All ladies have had a trouble zone that makes them crazy when they're trying on new clothes. Were you ever dying to fit into a pair of sexy new jeans, but they wouldn't budge past the middle of your thighs? I hear it all the time... "Royce, you gotta help me fit back into my skinny jeans I bought!" Yeah, yeah, yeah. NOT exactly the words a guy like me wants to hear, but hey somebody's gotta do it right!?! Hehehehe. Or ever had the dreaded "muffin top" — where your middle is hanging over the waistband? NOT SEXY! Trust me, some heart-pumping cardio is going to make a world of difference in helping you burn off the fat. And doing these three killer moves will really help you sculpt those skinny-jean trouble zones even more!
If you're a beginner, try to do 12 - 15 reps and 3 sets of each move along with cardio intervals. Or if you're advanced, try 20 - 25 reps and 3 sets to go along with cardio intervals.
Donkey Kick
If you're a beginner, try to do 12 - 15 reps and 3 sets of each move along with cardio intervals. Or if you're advanced, try 20 - 25 reps and 3 sets to go along with cardio intervals.
Donkey Kick
- Start on your hands and knees, with your knees directly under your hips and your wrists in line with your shoulders. Keep your back and neck straight and look forward. Shift your weight to your left leg.
- With your hands still firmly planted on the ground, kick your right leg up and back behind you until it is straight. Keep your foot flexed so that your toes are pointing toward the floor. Slowly bring your right knee back to the ground. Repeat all the reps on the same side, then switch to the opposite side and repeat. Keep checking your form to make sure your shoulders are always in line with your wrists.
- Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart. Step your left foot diagonally forward and across the right foot. If you were standing in the middle of a clock facing the number 12, you would bring your left foot across the body and place it on the 1. Slowly lower your right knee until the left leg is parallel to the floor
- Then, using the left leg, exhale and push yourself back into your first step. Repeat the same motion with the right leg, only this time bring your right leg forward and place it on the number 11.
- From a kneeling position, place your abdomen on a body ball and roll the body along the ball until your ankles rest on the top of the ball. Your shoulders should be aligned directly over your hands.
- Contracting your abdominal muscles, exhale and pull the ball forward using your legs.
- As your glutes rise, keep your upper body stable so that your shoulders stay aligned with your hands.
- In the finished position, your toes should be resting on the ball. Return to the starting position and repeat.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
The Road to Potential - Day 1

So I'm ready to embark upon a journey many before me have traveled, but only few have conquered; Bodybuilding! Since I was a kid, I've always been inspired by the men with bodies like "Greek God's", Giants, or even Monsters! People like the Famous Arnold Schwarzenegger, or Lou Ferrigno, Lee Haney and even more recent, my favorite bodybuilder of all time Mr. Ronnie Coleman.
Now I'm not saying I aspire to get as HUGE as any of those guys (at least not right now), but I do certainly plan on training like it! I intend on seeing just how far I can go w/this journey, seeing my limits; mentally, physically, and emotionally. Being a certified personal trainer, a former athlete, and a gym rat, I know that it's going to take hard-work, determination, discipline, consistency, and "big-balls" to make it down this road and I'm ready! But through it all, I plan on having a lot of fun w/seeing all of the changes my body is going to go through.
So last night started it all and it was a perfect evening to begin too, considering it was Monday night, in the Fall Season, which means it's FOOTBALL Season and like any other Monday evening, someone chose to piss me the hell off! Perfect fuel for a "bad-ass" workout, lol! So before traveling down this journey I did my homework a bit and looked at my "road-map to success" and from my research I decided to do some tried and proven GVT (German Volume Training). So I did what most guys do on Mondays... Chest Day!
It was now 8:45pm and I had just finished training my last group of clients for the day about 45 minutes prior. I took some time to get my mind right, get my gloves on, scoop out the scene and get my "game face" on. So here I go... I warmed up my rotor cuffs (Previous shoulder injury bench pressing yrs ago) then warmed up w/two sets on the inclined bench. 1st set = 95lbs/20reps, 2nd set = 135lbs/15reps,
3rd set = 135lbs/10reps...
Ok now I'm ready to go! I took a sip of water looked around n realized the only people left in the gym was me, 3 guys doing MMA training, and the cleaning lady! Perfect - NO DISTRACTIONS or any lazy ass guys standing around taking up space n hanging out by the water fountain in between my sets.
I proceeded to lift 155lbs of iron 10reps for 10sets. Hey it was my first day back on the job after like at least a 4-5 month layoff so shoot me already! Anywayz, after about the 7th set I felt like quitting because my shoulders wanted to give out, but HELL NO! I told myself "it's only Day 1 and your punk-ass AIN'T QUITTIN"! So I rested for 2 minutes, got my ass back on the bench, stared myself in the mirror real quick for a chin-check and blurted out... "Yeeaaaaaaahhh BABYYYYYYYYYY, LIGHT WEIGHT!" and knocked out those last three sets like WHAT!?!
Then my favorite part happened... "THE PUMP", man I looked in the mirror and my chest looked like an action hero's!!! (He-Man's, lol) I was proud of myself. I hadn't trained hard in months and I felt like day 1 was alright! No bull-shittin' around w/ppl having long unproductive convo's, just got it in and out, just the way I like it! (Right here insert, "that's what she said", lol). I can already sense my attitude toward training beginning to change. Craving that "pump", the feeling of BLOOD rushing into your muscles, your veins poppin' out, sweat drippin everywhere, and you feel like an ANIMAL. Hardcore baby! And this is only the beginning! - RR
As always, you are welcome to call or email me with questions or to get started on your own customized fitness plan. So guys if you could please comment below and tell me what you think about my blog post. Thanks!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
What the Scale is NOT telling You!
So, you've been busting your butt in the gym at least 3-4 days a week, putting in work on that dreaded treadmill, eating all the right stuff for weeks now and then all of a sudden ----- BOOM!----- You stopped loosing weight, you can't get the # on the scale to change, you think your scales broken, or maybe the house has shifted so the floor must now be at a slant so that's what's throwing your numbers off, lol. If that sounds anything like you then... STOP!!! Stop NOW before you go NUTS over what you could possibly be doing wrong!
If you know that you are giving your workouts a 150% every time you train and you are staying consistent w/the right stuff then do yourself a favor and focus more on what the scale is NOT telling you --- like how strong you have become. Do you look better in your clothes? Have you lost inches? Do you have more energy and spunk? Do you FEEL AWESOME NAKED? Ok, well maybe not so much yet for some of you on the latter, but you get my drift ;). My point is stay AWAY FROM SCALE; I mean not entirely, but keep it to a minimum. I can't tell you how many clients I've had that made this same mistake and the moment I told them to quit and they actually LISTENED, they felt better about themselves, and guess what! They lost more weight, go figure!
Here's a tip: Don't weigh yourself daily, but try only once a week and the rest of the time just take notice of how you are feeling.
I like this quoted riddle: "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time." So that's how you approach your weight-loss, "One bite at a time". You didn't get overweight overnight. So the weight loss takes time, patience, focus, and hard got damn work! So let's do it! If I can do it, so can you! Take care, take charge, and I'll See You at the top!
If you know that you are giving your workouts a 150% every time you train and you are staying consistent w/the right stuff then do yourself a favor and focus more on what the scale is NOT telling you --- like how strong you have become. Do you look better in your clothes? Have you lost inches? Do you have more energy and spunk? Do you FEEL AWESOME NAKED? Ok, well maybe not so much yet for some of you on the latter, but you get my drift ;). My point is stay AWAY FROM SCALE; I mean not entirely, but keep it to a minimum. I can't tell you how many clients I've had that made this same mistake and the moment I told them to quit and they actually LISTENED, they felt better about themselves, and guess what! They lost more weight, go figure!
Here's a tip: Don't weigh yourself daily, but try only once a week and the rest of the time just take notice of how you are feeling.
I like this quoted riddle: "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time." So that's how you approach your weight-loss, "One bite at a time". You didn't get overweight overnight. So the weight loss takes time, patience, focus, and hard got damn work! So let's do it! If I can do it, so can you! Take care, take charge, and I'll See You at the top!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Alicia Keys' Butt Exercises
Want to know what celebrity workout Alicia Keys uses?
The Grammy-winning singer and songwriter knows that being healthy does not mean having to slim down to a size 0. She loves her curves and loves jogging too.
Alicia Keys' Butt Exercises
As always, you are welcome to call or email me with questions or to get started on your own customized fitness plan. So guys if you could please comment below and tell me what you think about my blog post. Thanks!
The Grammy-winning singer and songwriter knows that being healthy does not mean having to slim down to a size 0. She loves her curves and loves jogging too.
Alicia Keys' Butt Exercises
As always, you are welcome to call or email me with questions or to get started on your own customized fitness plan. So guys if you could please comment below and tell me what you think about my blog post. Thanks!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Armed and Dangerous: How True Blood's Rutina Wesley Gets Fit
By Chee Gates
True Blood is pulling out the big guns: Rutina Wesley plays tough, buff Tara Thornton on HBO's popular vampire series, which is back for season three this summer. We found out how she got those smokin' arms -- and legs and, well, everything.How do you prep for all the fighting and running in your scenes?
"I do a mix of cardio and strength -- the elliptical machine and weight lifting -- three times weekly. But a lot of my agility comes from being a dancer; I trained at Julliard. I also do yoga. It helps me relax and let go of the crazy character I play."
We have biceps envy. What's the secret?
"About every other day, I do a special 30-20-10 push-up circuit: 30 push-ups and 30 triceps dips, then 20 of each, then 10 of each."
Are you as tough off-camera as you are on the set?
"That's what people think; I look like I can beat you up. But I'm as soft as a flower."
Why is being fit important to you?
"My body is a reflection of how grateful I am for my life and my health; there are a lot of people less fortunate than me. And I still want to have these arms and legs when I'm 75."
Originally published in FITNESS magazine, July/August 2010.
As always, you are welcome to call or email me with questions or to get started on your own customized fitness plan. So guys if you could please comment below and tell me what you think about my blog post. Thanks!
"I do a mix of cardio and strength -- the elliptical machine and weight lifting -- three times weekly. But a lot of my agility comes from being a dancer; I trained at Julliard. I also do yoga. It helps me relax and let go of the crazy character I play."
We have biceps envy. What's the secret?
"About every other day, I do a special 30-20-10 push-up circuit: 30 push-ups and 30 triceps dips, then 20 of each, then 10 of each."
Are you as tough off-camera as you are on the set?
"That's what people think; I look like I can beat you up. But I'm as soft as a flower."
Why is being fit important to you?
"My body is a reflection of how grateful I am for my life and my health; there are a lot of people less fortunate than me. And I still want to have these arms and legs when I'm 75."
Originally published in FITNESS magazine, July/August 2010.
As always, you are welcome to call or email me with questions or to get started on your own customized fitness plan. So guys if you could please comment below and tell me what you think about my blog post. Thanks!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Reading the Label
Why Are Food Labels Important?
Reading food labels correctly can help you:
- Make educated decisions
- Limit your fat intake, saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium.
- Meet your daily need for fiber and calcium
- Control your daily calorie intake
- Reach and Maintain your goals
- Record food intake/calories more accurately
How to Read Food Labels?
The Serving Size tells you the amount in one serving. This is expressed in ounces, grams, cups, tablespoons, pieces, etc.
The Servings Per Container tells you the number of serving in the entire package.
The Amount Per Serving tells you the number of calories and the amount of each nutrient contained in one serving.
The % Daily Value tells you how much of that nutrient is in one serving based on a 2,000 or 2,500 calorie diet.
NOTE: Make Educated Decisions for a Lifetime of Results!
Keep in mind that humans are creatures of habit. That is, most people eat the same foods on a regular basis. This means that after awhile, you'll be able to "eye-ball" the portions you can eat to reach your goal. When you come across new foods, use food labels and nutritional information from restaurants and websites to help you decide what and how much to eat. These educated decisions will not only help you meet your targets, they ensure lasting success.
Rolls Royce
Certified Personal Trainer
National Federation of Personal Trainers
CEO - 365 Fitness Houston
Monday, August 9, 2010
Creating a Realistic Goal
- Reducing calorie intake
- Recording/Logging food intake
- Increasing physical activity level
- Eating breakfast
- Checking progress regularly (i.e., weighing yourself once a week)
Friday, August 6, 2010
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