Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Reading the Label

Why Are Food Labels Important?

Reading food labels correctly can help you:
- Make educated decisions
- Limit your fat intake, saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium.
- Meet your daily need for fiber and calcium
- Control your daily calorie intake
- Reach and Maintain your goals
- Record food intake/calories more accurately

How to Read Food Labels?

The Serving Size tells you the amount in one serving. This is expressed in ounces, grams, cups, tablespoons, pieces, etc.

The Servings Per Container tells you the number of serving in the entire package.

The Amount Per Serving tells you the number of calories and the amount of each nutrient contained in one serving.

The % Daily Value tells you how much of that nutrient is in one serving based on a 2,000 or 2,500 calorie diet.

NOTE: Make Educated Decisions for a Lifetime of Results!

Keep in mind that humans are creatures of habit. That is, most people eat the same foods on a regular basis. This means that after awhile, you'll be able to "eye-ball" the portions you can eat to reach your goal. When you come across new foods, use food labels and nutritional information from restaurants and websites to help you decide what and how much to eat. These educated decisions will not only help you meet your targets, they ensure lasting success.

Rolls Royce
Certified Personal Trainer
National Federation of Personal Trainers
CEO - 365 Fitness Houston

Monday, August 9, 2010

Creating a Realistic Goal

A key component to reaching your health and fitness goals is setting yourself up for success. This means creating a goal that allows you to make steady progress with lifestyle changes you can maintain, the same way my client Morgana did. She realized that she must "eat to live" not the other way around. For most of us, it's unrealistic to completely avoid our fav foods or stick to some fad diet for a lifetime. Research and experience has shown us that long-term weight loss - that is 30lbs or more kept off for at least a year, is achieved by the following:
  • Reducing calorie intake
  • Recording/Logging food intake
  • Increasing physical activity level
  • Eating breakfast
  • Checking progress regularly (i.e., weighing yourself once a week)
Although many of us want to lose weight as quickly as possible, it's best to gradually shed the pounds if you want to keep it off.

Friday, August 6, 2010