Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Road to Potential - Day 1

So I'm ready to embark upon a journey many before me have traveled, but only few have conquered; Bodybuilding! Since I was a kid, I've always been inspired by the men with bodies like "Greek God's", Giants, or even Monsters! People like the Famous Arnold Schwarzenegger, or Lou Ferrigno, Lee Haney and even more recent, my favorite bodybuilder of all time Mr. Ronnie Coleman.

Now I'm not saying I aspire to get as HUGE as any of those guys (at least not right now), but I do certainly plan on training like it! I intend on seeing just how far I can go w/this journey, seeing my limits; mentally, physically, and emotionally. Being a certified personal trainer, a former athlete, and a gym rat, I know that it's going to take hard-work, determination, discipline, consistency, and "big-balls" to make it down this road and I'm ready! But through it all, I plan on having a lot of fun w/seeing all of the changes my body is going to go through.

So last night started it all and it was a perfect evening to begin too, considering it was Monday night, in the Fall Season, which means it's FOOTBALL Season and like any other Monday evening, someone chose to piss me the hell off! Perfect fuel for a "bad-ass" workout, lol! So before traveling down this journey I did my homework a bit and looked at my "road-map to success" and from my research I decided to do some tried and proven GVT (German Volume Training). So I did what most guys do on Mondays... Chest Day!

It was now 8:45pm and I had just finished training my last group of clients for the day about 45 minutes prior. I took some time to get my mind right, get my gloves on, scoop out the scene and get my "game face" on. So here I go... I warmed up my rotor cuffs (Previous shoulder injury bench pressing yrs ago) then warmed up w/two sets on the inclined bench. 1st set = 95lbs/20reps, 2nd set = 135lbs/15reps,
3rd set = 135lbs/10reps...

Ok now I'm ready to go! I took a sip of water looked around n realized the only people left in the gym was me, 3 guys doing MMA training, and the cleaning lady! Perfect - NO DISTRACTIONS or any lazy ass guys standing around taking up space n hanging out by the water fountain in between my sets.

I proceeded to lift 155lbs of iron 10reps for 10sets. Hey it was my first day back on the job after like at least a 4-5 month layoff so shoot me already! Anywayz, after about the 7th set I felt like quitting because my shoulders wanted to give out, but HELL NO! I told myself "it's only Day 1 and your punk-ass AIN'T QUITTIN"! So I rested for 2 minutes, got my ass back on the bench, stared myself in the mirror real quick for a chin-check and blurted out... "Yeeaaaaaaahhh BABYYYYYYYYYY, LIGHT WEIGHT!" and knocked out those last three sets like WHAT!?!

Then my favorite part happened... "THE PUMP", man I looked in the mirror and my chest looked like an action hero's!!! (He-Man's, lol) I was proud of myself. I hadn't trained hard in months and I felt like day 1 was alright! No bull-shittin' around w/ppl having long unproductive convo's, just got it in and out, just the way I like it! (Right here insert, "that's what she said", lol). I can already sense my attitude toward training beginning to change. Craving that "pump", the feeling of BLOOD rushing into your muscles, your veins poppin' out, sweat drippin everywhere, and you feel like an ANIMAL. Hardcore baby! And this is only the beginning! - RR

As always, you are welcome to call or email me with questions or to get started on your own customized fitness plan. So guys if you could please comment below and tell me what you think about my blog post. Thanks!