If you've ever lost weight, you know how hard it is to keep it off.
Ever wonder why some people are able to keep weight off, while others put it right back on?
Well I'm going to hook you up w/snippets from an issue of my EXCLUSIVE Online Newsletter that all of my clients and friends get from me every month. I just confirmed 3 appointments w/new clients for next week and I so happy I figured I'd give something away for free. What better to give away than information that can make someone's life a lot healthier, richer, and exciting!?! Enjoy!!!
Read on for the 3 Secrets to Maintain Weight Loss. (And if you still have pounds to lose, these 3 secrets will help you too.)
Secret #1: Keep on Moving
If you're serious about keeping the weight off, you need to be serious about your workouts. Keep your activity level high, both in and out of the gym. Your workouts should consist of both cardiovascular training and strength training. While out of the gym make an effort to move as much as possible by taking the stairs, going for walks or jogs and participating in recreational activities.
Secret #2: Be a Healthy Eater
Sorry, you can't go back to eating at the drive thru and expect to maintain your weight loss. Focus on these 3 aspects of healthy eating:
1.Keep calories low. Gone are the days of eating mindlessly. Be aware of everything that goes into your mouth, whether by journaling or simply keeping a mental tally.
2.Be careful. Eat small portions, avoid high-calorie foods and check nutrition labels. You don't have to swear off chocolate forever, just eat it occasionally with portion control.
3.Eat a balanced diet. Include a variety of fruits and vegetables, lean meats and whole grains.
Secret #3: Eat for the Right Reason
Emotional eating is one of the top reasons that people are overweight. It's very important that you view food as fuel, not as an answer to deeper emotional needs. When food becomes more than just fuel, the pounds quickly add up. If you want to keep your weight under control, you're going to have to eliminate emotional eating.
Don't be one of the many who skip these 3 secrets and instead return to life pre-weight loss. You worked hard to be where you are – you deserve to keep it.
I'm always available to help you achieve any fitness or weight loss goal. Call or email to get started on a solid exercise program that will change your body and life forever.
Signing Out,
"Rolls" Royce Isaac
Houston's Rapid Fat Loss Expert
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